Welcome, Time Traveller, Truth Seeker
I say this because you have pressed in beyond the peripheral and dug down deep into the layers below the surface message.
It is very important that I clearly set out all the foundational truths regarding the purpose of these sites and explain my deepest thoughts. The Vision that has driven me to create all these web sites needs to be understood by anyone that I may want to come on board the team that I am calling around me. This task (My Vision), forms the fundamental framework that has to under-girth all decisions and actions that a leader in this team needs to have.
Let me briefly set out my passion that has led me to take on this task and hopefully the passion that keeps me focused on the ultimate goal of these websites.
Back in the summer of 1978 I became aware of a burning desire to share my faith and confidence in my LORD God and Jesus Christ with the people I saw around me. This was not just desire to share my faith, and witness to people I met in the street. It was an over-whelming concern that the masses of people I passed by each day who were locked out of this wonderful experience that I had.
I had observed many Churches in my travels but, it left me wondering if they had the capacity to handle or be able to disciple the number of New Converts that I knew God wanted to bring into His Kingdom. I had this feeling deep down inside of me that The Holly Spirit was calling to the Thousands, even Hundreds-of-Thousands into the Knowledge of Christ and the fullness thereof.
The only way I can describe this sense of urgency was I had just the smallest glimpse of My Father’s heart for lost humanity. This desire was so intense that to just talk to a person here and there as I went about my daily life was unrealistic and unfulfilling. I could not take time to go in that direction. Don’t get me wrong. I have shared my faith when and where it was suitable to do. To do this was like trying to drinking water out of a cup full of sand.
This intense “burden”, really a deep compassion, was lifted of me just enough so as not to crush me but keep me motivated to the task.
At first what I ‘saw’ was so immense and overwhelming that I just could take in the smallest part, but over the years it has been opening up and becoming clearer. I only realised several years ago that the core of what I was trying to do is so simple.
What I had to share needed to be easily understood by the person I speaking to, and that my sharing this truth it put inside of them the power to share this truth to others. Yet it had to be simple enough to make it easy to share without a lot of training.
This also needed to be supported by an ongoing training that could be automated to cater for the Thousands that would be reached. In principle what was needed was a massive Counselling Program that was automated but supported by personal contacts as well.
Through these pages I will expound on the result of pressing in and taking on this task. I hope that you, having come this far will take the challenge and join me.
Yours Respectfully,
Why I use TheComplete Jewish Bible
(CJB)* The Complete Jewish Bible" used with permission.