Follow The Trail

One More Thing!
This Is Important

You may be wondering why I have presented all this information here in this form. You are probally asking how could I be expected to say all this to a person to bring them to accepting Christ?

The simple answer is you don't. What is important is that you understand and accept all this information as I have presented here as truth. It is from this stand point you are able to disciple and encourage a New Convert to walk in the New Life that they have started out to live by. The importance of all that I have presented here is to show the need to leave all old preconceived ideas behind so that your councelling will not be influenced by those old ideas.

The most central point of all this is to make the way for the New Convert grow in simple steps, that they have a grounding of what they beleive. That they as they follow the simple steps or guidelines that will help them to live this New Life out to the full. Also they are able to disciple their friends as they share their New Faith.

This is the central idea that I stated from the begining, "How can we disciple all of the New Converts that will be saved in this next massive influx of people being saved?". This was the main point that I was impressed with back at the begining which started me on this journey.

So let me simply state what is the method of sharing this message to a person seeking help.

The starting point is that the person is brought to the place where they realise that all of their efforts so far in their life has failed. That they realise that they want to change the way they have been trying to 'make things good' by their own efforts. Only from this stand point can a person be lead to the next step.

The person is really trying to change the past because they realise that it keeps coming back to 'trip them up'. They wish that they, somehow they could go back in time and redo the past so it would not come back to haunt them. The answer is that there is someone who can and has travelled back in time. The Time Traveller, Jesus.

The reason that they feel trapped by the past is because of Adam's Sin and his trying to fix the problem himself in the Garden of Eden. That because all life from that time on came from his fallen life we all fail and try it 'fix it ourselves'.

The answer is that The Time Traveller, Jesus paid the penalty for the rebelion that Adam committed at the Cross. He was able to go back in time and cancel Adam's Sin. Now that Adam's sin has been cancelled it now has no effect on me (or the person you are talking to). The problem is the actions taken under the power of that 'old self' are still active in one's body.

Since Jesus' death was not for His sin He is able to give His Life to us, i.e., His Spirit. We can become part of Him. So if "you" (the person you are talking to) will accept that this gift that God the Father has arranged through Jesus His Son is for them. Then this New Life will remove the old life from Adam. When your old spirit leaves your body you die, but in a micro-second the His Life, His Spirit comes into you and revives you, bring you into His New Life.

Once they receive this New Life then the way they will live is to focus on the Person of Jesus and His Love for them. That this New Life they have received will allow The Holy Spirit to bring forward the Characteristics of Jesus's Life into their daily activities.

As they are growing in the knowledge of Christ by a follow up course of matterals they will be sent to them. In these courses they will be shown that when habits from the past turn up they are to just thank their Heavenly Father for the Grace they have received. By focusing on the character of Christ and His Love for them and declare that His Grace is suffient for them they will find that those things will just fall away.

When the Devil comes to point out their "sin", the failure, they are to declare God's Grace, that it is not their life now but it is Christ life that they are living.

There is much more that is involved with the on going training and councelling of the New Convert but this will be placed in to another area of this site. I hope that my long explaination of my vison has been a help to you. If you are so moved to join us and are at peace with what I have written here you are most welcome to apply to become part of what we are doing. There will be a place on this page where you do that.


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