Abraham - God’s Friend
What was it about Abraham that the LORD God chose him to be part of His Central Plan?
There was nothing special about Abraham other than he had a trust in the LORD. That trust ment that Abraham was confident in The Lord to carry out the Promises He had made concerning himself and Sarah. The Lord was also confident that Abraham would train his household the very special instructions that the LORD had given him. It was true that there were obstacles that Abraham had to learn to overcome to be part of God's Plan, but it was Abraham’s character the LORD trusted for it all to work.
What was it?
Abraham's trust in the LORD was such that he would instruct his children and household in the way that was absolutely necessary for The Salvation Plan to have a place of authority amongst the affairs of Mankind.
It must be stated at this point that God’s ability to act in the affairs of Man on the earth had to have its origin through a man’s decision. The LORD God gave Adam (Mankind) all authority in the Earth and even though Man disobedience gave the Adversary (Satan) access to that authority it still has to come through a man’s decision.
In the LORD God partnering with Abraham a pattern of rules – Laws – could be established whereby God was able to introduce a heavenly Being – His Son – to finalise the Plan that was started in The Garden of Eden.
We come back to The Will of Man being the central pivot around the purposes of God in rescuing Man back from the power of the Adversary, Satan.
The study of the Torah is so extensive there is not the room to set it out here but will be presented later as a separate module. Sufficient to say at this juncture is when Jesus says that He has come to fulfil the Law and the Prophets it really is what He did. So, in aligning His Will to The (His) Father’s Will, Jesus was stepping on legal stepping-stones established by the Law that would hold up in the Spiritual Courts and rob the Adversary of his power.
The power of the blood which is a major theme throughout the Scriptures is another large study that also needs to be handled on its own. The blood of a sinful man was not able to effect a change, but the Blood of a sinless Man did break the death cycle.
All this being true the blood is not the Sin carrier to the next generation. This would eliminate all the babies that die in the early years because of the sin in their blood. They would not have the understanding of receiving redemption so they could go to Heaven. I believe that Children that die before the age of their enlightenment go straight to Heaven to await the redemption of their new body. As you can see this is such big topic it needs its own space to do it justice.
Following on to – Law and Grace.