What is the Foundation? Continuation...
Let’s take them one at a time: -
God’s Original Intention For Creating Man.
Man is a Three-part Being.
Man’s Disobedience – What Happens Now.
Abraham – God’s Friend
The question of Law and Grace?
Jesus, "The Last Adam”, Why?
The Mystery of One Flesh - The Church the Bride
One More Thing! - This Is Important
If these thoughts and questions have given you a desire to know more then you will find the following discourse very exciting. The format will be to state the basic case for the point in question and then to drill down to the fundamentals of each case.
Many of the ideas and points presented here have come out of long and painful deliberations. Most are likely to challenge your previous training. This why I have had to wrestle with these thoughts so as to be sure I have the “mind of Christ” on these things.
If you can just hold all these things lightly (as I have had to so as not to discard them) and wait till the ‘whole’ picture is presented, I believe you will also see that some history has clouded the truth from the facts. It is important I believe not to come to any firm conclusion until the whole picture is presented. The whole picture will not come into view till the very end of what I am presenting here.
I do hope that I will ‘see’ you at the end of presenting this package to you. The Bereans were commended by Paul the Apostle for ‘searching the scriptures diligently’ to see what Paul was preaching was ‘Bible’, true. I commend this to you prayerfully.
Now continue by clicking the link below,
God’s original intention for creating Man.